Enhanced protocols to combat increased transmissibility
As an enveloped virus, Covid-19 is relatively easy to kill. Even low-layer alcohol-based sanitizers and household bleach applied to surfaces manually can kill it - but that statement only tells part of the story. Low-layer sanitizers often leave viable and surviving viruses primed to respond by mutation towards sanitizer resistance. The majority of sanitizers, such as quats (quaternary ammonias) and bleach also leave a residue or film that promotes the creation of a pathogen harbor called biofilm. That's one reason washing hands is more effective than applying hand sanitizer; washing hands removes biofilm.
We “layer up” protection because the fight against new variants has proven we need to use every layer of protection available to us. But, because our communities are made up of individual humans who err – through weariness, stress, or because we are in a hurry or concentrating on other things – we don’t consistently do all five of these things.

We utilize these measures as “firewalls”. Not everything gets caught at layer one because not everyone can get vaccinated. Among the vaccinated, each individual may carry a greater or lesser quantity of effective antibodies. As for layer two? Lab experiments on materials and efficacy testing have shown that masks cannot block 100% of the virus; experience has shown that masks are often not used correctly, or made out the correct material, among the general public, reducing effectiveness further.
The layer three firewall, social distancing, when used, works if people are not heavily breathing through exertion, singing, shouting, etc. It can also be hit-or-miss. As humans, we’re weary of social distancing; we crave that five-second hug. And we need to be close enough to hear each other speak, so we lean in. Let’s face it, even where social distancing queues are formed, they often end up kind of loosey-goosey.
The layer four firewall works well for the obsessive hand washer, but the rest of us really aren’t that good at it, according to a survey conducted by Puronics, late spring 2021. Most of us carry hand sanitizer for use when we can’t wash our hands. The active ingredients in hand sanitize are limited by FDA to a handful of weak, low-layer sanitizing agents, like alcohol. When we use it, we must physically handle and open the sanitizer first. This is not a problem, except when hand sanitizer becomes contaminated. Studies conducted before the pandemic proved this contamination was widespread, leading bulk sanitizing stations in large hotel and restaurant chains to stop using refillable units. For all these reasons, firewall four also contains holes.
We need layer five to back up the other four. Without it, we face lockdown or complete isolation – impractical and impossible in the long term. Surface disinfecting eradicates viral fomites from the environment just in case the other firewalls fail. A strong layer five gives us more security and helps prevent opportunities for disinfectant resistance and mutation. Quality assurance for the efficacy of layer five is directly affected by janitorial product choices.
For effective, assured pathogen control, high-layer disinfectants that kill within seconds (brief dwell time) and are powerful enough to elicit an extremely effective high log kill rate without leaving residues or film behind are key. Fortunately, new formulations of high-layer disinfectants are available at low, consumer-friendly concentrations that do the job well and safely. Sprayable, moppable, dilutable and ready-to-use Chlorine dioxide and Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide are quickly becoming the best new thing to ensure total kill, enhance janitorial processes, and prevent further mutations of the Covid virus.
Once reserved for laboratory, hospital and industrial use alone, these new formulations are significantly more stable than household bleach, are free of VOC, biodegradable and do not accumulate in the environment, so both contents and containers can be safely disposed. Chlorine dioxide has been used for decades for municipal water purification, laboratory cabinet sterilization, sanitizing autoclaves, disinfecting commercial and industrial membranes, for veterinary, ranch, and agricultural use, in the aftermath of catastrophic floods, and against Anthrax and Ebola (to name a few).
DoxyKlor is a unique reagent-grade chlorine dioxide solution (one of today's rising stars in pathogen control). DoxyKlor offers broad spectrum pathogen control in a safe, biodegradable, low-concentration solution that achieves high quality assurance and pathogen-eliminating relief for daily use in restaurants, schools, and homes during the Covid pandemic (and beyond).
DoxyKlor easily, economically and potently disinfects and can be applied using a wide variety of methods. No rinse. No mess. Penetrates & breaks up biofilm, kills Covid and other pathogens in seconds. Disinfects public restrooms in minutes. Chlorine dioxide is approved for use in child care settings and on food-contact surfaces, so teachers, wait staff and other non-janitorial crew can safely use DoxyKlor to disinfect surfaces intermittently throughout the day as needed to build a crucial, and effective, fifth firewall for pandemic protection for their community.