Emergency & Emerging Pathogen Applications
DoxyKlor is proven to easily annihilate viruses & microbials that are harder to kill than Covid. That's how we earned our listing on EPA N-List. DoxyKlor is also EPA registered to claim efficacy against emerging pathogens in the future.
Chlorine dioxide was the first decontaminating agent approved for use against anthrax terrorism. As a leader in the field of chlorine dioxide disinfectants, DoxyKlor stands ready for daily and emergency decontamination of pharmaceutical production facilities, disaster areas, food and beverage processing plants, raw commodities, irrigation pipes, and sick buildings against emerging pathogen threats.
that's just the tip
of the iceberg
when it comes to
Chlorine Dioxide efficacy....
Chlorine Dioxide,
the active ingredient in DoxyKlor,
kills and controls an extremely broad spectrum of microbial pathogens:
Biofilm Control:
Controlling biofilm is difficult, because biofilms are formed of different types of organisms working symbiotically to protect the entire collective. The specific composition of beach biofilm will be unique, and uniquely resistant to sanitizers lacking efficacy against an exceptionally wide range of organisms.
Chlorine dioxide is effective in the control of microbiological growths in industrial cooling waters under conditions unfavorable to chlorine. Since it is effective over a broad pH range and won't react with ammonia, nitrogen or organics, it is particularly effective in systems having a high pH, ammonia-nitrogen contamination, persistent slime problems, or where the microbial contamination is aggravated by contamination with vegetable or mineral oils, phenols or other high chlorine-demand producing compounds.
Chlorine dioxide is safe and approved for use on food-preparation surfaces, including sinks and drain traps where biofilm hides. Chlorine dioxide is also very effective for fungus & algae control (often key components of biofilm). Because it is non-reactive, chlorine dioxide is not wasted on non-target components; rather, the full strength of chlorine dioxide remains available to better penetrate biofilm and effectively inactivate and break apart biofilm microbials in irrigation systems, beverage industry membranes and filtration systems, animal food and watering vessels, and ice making machines.
The following is an incomplete list of applications where CLO2 is used, and a snapshot of organisms CLO2 kills and controls.
Hierarchy of Microbiocides and Microbial Pathogens